// // WarpNPC Script by Saturos // May 2004 // Version: 0.95 // // A combined version of the normal Vidar Town Warper and Dungeon Warper // // -Warps to towns, dungeons and guild dungeons // -Warp to any location from any location // // Note: I didn't write all of the scripts here, I 'borrowed' them, so I don't // take credit for writing everything. I mostly just borrowed the locations // The rest of it i have written (all the stuff holding it together) and // I added some dungeons to the list and then i added the NPC to each of // those locations. // // Credits: cinna21 [For dungeon warper script] // devilotz [Guild dungeon warper script] // martijn [For town and dungeon warper script] // // Next Version: I still have to add the warp NPC to a few locations and i need to // add 2 more dungeons to the list. Then it should be just about finished. // // Updates: - Warp NPC added to Payon Dungeon // - Warp NPC added to amatsu // - Warp NPC added to gon-ryune // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TOWNS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Prontera // prontera.vhm,161,187,4 script "ポタ子" 53,{ mes "[ポタ子]"; mes "どこに行きたいの?"; mes "下から選んでね"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "街",MENU_01,"ダンジョン",MENU_02,"ギルドダンジョン",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "プロンテラ",M_Prontera,"イズルード",M_Izlude,"ゲフェン",M_Geffen,"アルベルタ",M_Alberta,"フェイヨン",M_Payon,"モロク",M_Morocc,"アルデバラン",M_Aldebaran,"ルティエ",M_Xmas,"コモド",M_Comodo,"天津",M_Ama,"崑崙",M_Gon,"ウンバラ",M_Umbala,"ジュノー",M_Yuno,"グラストヘイム",M_gef_fild06,"メインメニューに戻る",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[ポタ子]"; mes "私の力だけだと崑崙に直接飛ばす事ができないの・・・"; next; mes "[ポタ子]"; mes "街の近くのフィールドでもいい・・・?;;"; menu "いいよ〜",L_Menu2,"別の場所にしようかな・・・",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[ポタ子]"; mes "ごめんなさい・・・"; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "天津",D1,"蟻地獄",D2,"バイラン島",D4,"時計塔",D5,"廃鉱",D6,"下水",D7,"ゲフェニア",D8,"グラストヘイム古城",D9,"マグマ",D10,"オーク",D11,"フェイヨン",D12,"ピラミッド",D13,"スフィンクス",D14,"沈没船",D15,"おもちゃ工場",D16,"タートルアイランド",D17,"ウンバラ",D18,"メインメニューに戻る",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "時計塔",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "グラストヘイム城",D9_1,"監獄",D9_2,"グラストヘイム城内",D9_3,"階段",D9_4,"騎士団内",D9_5,"修道院",D9_6,"カタコンベ",D9_7,"地下水路",D9_8,"地下洞窟",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "フェイヨン",payon_guild,"アルデバラン",alde_guild,"プロンテラ",prontera_guild,"ゲフェン",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Izlude // izlude.vhm,134,90,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Geffen // geffen.vhm,124,68,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Alberta // alberta.vhm,32,239,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Payon // payon.vhm,97,125,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Morroc // morocc.vhm,164,281,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Aldebaran // aldebaran.vhm,144,114,0 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Lutie // xmas.vhm,150,135,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Comodo // comodo.vhm,192,165,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Amatsu // amatsu.vhm,193,85,6 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Gonryun // gon_fild01,256,93,5 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Umbala // umbala.vhm,126,140,3 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Yuno // yuno.vhm,153,164,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DUNGEONS // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Orc Dungeon // gef_fild10.vhm,71,335,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Ant Hell // moc_fild04.vhm,203,326,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Sphinx // mjolnir_02.vhm,83,360,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Hidden Temple // prt_fild01.vhm,140,364,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Glast Heim // gef_fild06.vhm,27,306,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Beach Dungeon // comodo.vhm,33,214,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Turtle Dungeon // tur_dun01.vhm,162,30,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Magma Dungeon // yuno_fild03.vhm,45,145,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Bibilan Dungeon // izlu2dun.vhm,105,53,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Sunken Ship // alb2trea.vhm,44,57,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Payon Dungeon // pay_arche.vhm,42,136,4 script "Warp NPC" 53,{ mes "[WarpNPC]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; mes "Please choose your destination:"; next; MENU_TOP: menu "Towns",MENU_01,"Dungeons",MENU_02,"Guild Dungeons",MENU_03; close; MENU_01: menu "Prontera",M_Prontera,"Izlude",M_Izlude,"Geffen",M_Geffen,"Alberta",M_Alberta,"Payon",M_Payon,"Morocc",M_Morocc,"Aldebaran",M_Aldebaran,"Lutie",M_Xmas,"Comodo",M_Comodo,"Amatsu",M_Ama,"Gon-Ryune",M_Gon,"Umbala",M_Umbala,"Yuno",M_Yuno,"Glast Heim",M_gef_fild06,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; M_Prontera: warp "prontera",155,184; M_Izlude: warp "izlude",128,93; M_Geffen: warp "geffen",120,63; M_Alberta: warp "alberta",30,234; M_Payon: warp "payon",89,122; M_Morocc: warp "morocc",158,282; M_Aldebaran: warp "aldebaran",140,121; M_Xmas: warp "xmas",148,130; M_Comodo: warp "comodo",191,153; M_Ama: warp "amatsu",197,86; M_Gon: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "My powers are limited, I cannot warp you directly to Gon-Ryune."; next; mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I can put you outside the town though, is that okay?"; menu "That's fine.",L_Menu2,"I've changed my mind.",L_No; L_Menu2: warp "gon_fild01",257,90; L_No: mes "[Warp NPC]"; mes "I am truely sorry for the inconvience."; close; M_Umbala: warp "umbala",123,143; M_Yuno: warp "yuno",158,169; M_gef_fild06: warp "gef_fild06",23,304; MENU_02: menu "Amatsu",D1,"Ant Hell",D2,"Beach",D3,"Bibilan",D4,"Clock Tower",D5,"Coal Mine",D6,"Culvert",D7,"Geffen",D8,"GH",D9,"Magma",D10,"Orcs",D11,"Payon",D12,"Pyramid",D13,"Sphinx",D14,"Sunken Ship",D15,"Toy Factory",D16,"Turtle Island",D17,"Umbala",D18,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D1: menu "level 1",am_lvl1,"level 2",am_lvl2,"level 3",am_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D2: menu "level 1",ant_lvl1,"level 2",ant_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D3: menu "level 1",bc_lvl1,"level 2",bc_lvl2,"level 3",bc_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D4: menu "level 1",bb_lvl1,"level 2",bb_lvl2,"level 3",bb_lvl3,"level 4",bb_lvl4,"level 5",bb_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5: menu "Clock Tower",D5_1,"Cloct Tower underground",D5_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_1: menu "level 1",ct_lvl1,"level 2",ct_lvl2,"level 3",ct_lvl3,"level 4",ct_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D5_2: menu "level 1",ctu_lvl1,"level 2",ctu_lvl2,"level 3",ctu_lvl3,"level 4",ctu_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D6: menu "level 1",cm_lvl1,"level 2",cm_lvl2,"level 3",cm_lvl3,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D7: menu "level 1",cul_lvl1,"level 2",cul_lvl2,"level 3",cul_lvl3,"level 4",cul_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D8: menu "level 1",gf_lvl1,"level 2",gf_lvl2,"level 3",gf_lvl3,"level 4",gf_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9: menu "GH Castle",D9_1,"GH Prison",D9_2,"GH Interior",D9_3,"GH Stairway",D9_4,"GH Chivalry",D9_5,"GH St. Abbey",D9_6,"GH Churchyard",D9_7,"GH Sewers",D9_8,"GH Lowest Cave",D9_9,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_1: menu "level 1",gh1_lvl1,"level 2",gh1_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_2: menu "level 1",gh2_lvl1,"level 2",gh2_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_3: menu "level 1",gh3_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_4: menu "level 1",gh4_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_5: menu "level 1",gh5_lvl1,"level 2",gh5_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_6: menu "level 1",gh6_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_7: menu "level 1",gh7_lvl1,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_8: menu "level 1",gh8_lvl1,"level 2",gh8_lvl2,"level 3",gh8_lvl3,"level 4",gh8_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D9_9: menu "level 1",gh9_lvl1,"level 2",gh9_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D10: menu "level 1",mag_lvl1,"level 2",mag_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D11: menu "level 1",orc_lvl1,"level 2",orc_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D12: menu "level 1",pay_lvl1,"level 2",pay_lvl2,"level 3",pay_lvl3,"level 4",pay_lvl4,"level 5",pay_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13: menu "Pyramid",D13_1,"Pyramid Basement",D13_2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_1: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl1,"level 2",pyr_lvl2,"level 3",pyr_lvl3,"level 4",pyr_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D13_2: menu "level 1",pyr_lvl5,"level 2",pyr_lvl6,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D14: menu "level 1",sp_lvl1,"level 2",sp_lvl2,"level 3",sp_lvl3,"level 4",sp_lvl4,"level 5",sp_lvl5,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D15: menu "level 1",sun_lvl1,"level 2",sun_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D16: menu "level 1",toy_lvl1,"level 2",toy_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D17: menu "level 1",tur_lvl1,"level 2",tur_lvl2,"level 3",tur_lvl3,"level 4",tur_lvl4,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; D18: menu "level 1",um_lvl1,"level 2",um_lvl2,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; // //D1 Amatsu // am_lvl1: warp "ama_dun01",228,11; am_lvl2: warp "ama_dun02",34,43; am_lvl3: warp "ama_dun03",120,15; // //D2 Ant Hell // ant_lvl1: warp "anthell01",36,260; ant_lvl2: warp "anthell02",33,260; // //D3 Beach // bc_lvl1: "beach_dun",266,67; bc_lvl2: "beach_dun2",154,25; bc_lvl3: "beach_dun3",23,260; // //D4 Bibilan // bb_lvl1: warp "iz_dun00",168,167; bb_lvl2: warp "iz_dun01",252,252; bb_lvl3: warp "iz_dun02",236,204; bb_lvl4: warp "iz_dun03",36,65 bb_lvl5: warp "iz_dun04",32,30; // //D5_1 Clock Tower // ct_lvl1: warp "c_tower1",200,166; ct_lvl2: warp "c_tower2",267,26; ct_lvl3: warp "c_tower3",67,147; ct_lvl4: warp "c_tower4",45,39; // //D5_2 Clock Towerunderground // ctu_lvl1: warp "alde_dun01",167,152; ctu_lvl2: warp "alde_dun02",131,170; ctu_lvl3: warp "alde_dun03",276,53; ctu_lvl4: warp "alde_dun04",267,74; // //D6 Coal Mine // cm_lvl1: warp "mjo_dun01",52,20; cm_lvl2: warp "mjo_dun02",378,344; cm_lvl3: warp "mjo_dun03",304,257; // //D7 Culvert // cul_lvl1: warp "prt_sewb1",127,247; cul_lvl2: warp "prt_sewb2",19,19; cul_lvl3: warp "prt_sewb3",180,169; cul_lvl4: warp "prt_sewb4",100,92; // //D8 Geffen // gf_lvl1: warp "gef_dun00",104,97; gf_lvl2: warp "gef_dun01",115,236; gf_lvl3: warp "gef_dun02",106,130; gf_lvl4: warp "gef_dun03",205,199; // //D9_1 GH Castle // gh1_lvl1: warp "gl_cas01",200,28; gh1_lvl2: warp "gl_cas02",104,25; // //D9_2 GH Castle Prison // gh2_lvl1: warp "gl_prison",18,70; gh2_lvl2: warp "gl_prison1",150,17; // //D9_3 GH CastleInterior // gh3_lvl1: warp "gl_in01",10,50; // //D9_4 GH Castle Stairway // gh4_lvl1: warp "gl_step",114,123; // //D9_5 GH Castle Chivalry // gh5_lvl1: warp "gl_knt01",149,17; gh5_lvl2: warp "gl_knt01",157,285; // //D9_6 GH Castle St.Abbey // gh6_lvl1: warp "gl_church",156,14; // //D9_7 GH Castle Churchyard // gh7_lvl1: warp "gl_chyard",147,281; // //D9_8 GH Castle Sewers // gh8_lvl1: warp "gl_sew01",258,253; gh8_lvl2: warp "gl_sew02",109,290; gh8_lvl3: warp "gl_sew03",171,280; gh8_lvl4: warp "gl_sew04",67,273; // //D9_9 GH Lowest Cave // gh9_lvl1: warp "gl_dun01",134,268; gh9_lvl2: warp "gl_dun02",223,270; // //D10 Magma Dungeon // mag_lvl1: warp "mag_dun01",238,237; mag_lvl2: warp "mag_dun02",48,35; // //D11 Orc Dungeon // orc_lvl1: warp "orcsdun01",32,164; orc_lvl2: warp "orcsdun02",21,179; // //D12 Payon // pay_lvl1: warp "pay_dun00",21,178; pay_lvl2: warp "pay_dun01",23,33; pay_lvl3: warp "pay_dun02",21,63; pay_lvl4: warp "pay_dun03",155,151; pay_lvl5: warp "pay_dun04",119,126; // //D13_1 Pyramid // pyr_lvl1: warp "moc_pryd01",189,11; pyr_lvl2: warp "moc_pryd02",8,190; pyr_lvl3: warp "moc_pryd03",100,89; pyr_lvl4: warp "moc_pryd04",107,127; // //D13_2 Pyramid Basement // pyr_lvl5: warp "moc_pryd05",94,85; pyr_lvl6: warp "moc_pryd06",101,144; // //D14 Sphinx // sp_lvl1: warp "in_sphinx1",288,15; sp_lvl2: warp "in_sphinx2",148,86; sp_lvl3: warp "in_sphinx3",210,50; sp_lvl4: warp "in_sphinx4",10,215; sp_lvl5: warp "in_sphinx5",100,100 // //D15 Sunken Ship // sun_lvl1: warp "treasure01",69,31; sun_lvl2: warp "treasure02",102,32; // //D16 Toy Factory // toy_lvl1: warp "xmas_dun01",205,23; toy_lvl2: warp "xmas_dun02",123,130; // //D17 Turtle // tur_lvl1: warp "tur_dun01",159,36; tur_lvl2: warp "tur_dun02",167,33; tur_lvl3: warp "tur_dun03",131,189; tur_lvl4: warp "tur_dun04",99,194; // //D18 Umbala // um_lvl1: warp "um_dun01",42,33; um_lvl2: warp "um_dun02",48,30; MENU_03: menu "Payon",payon_guild,"Al De Baran",alde_guild,"Prontera",prontera_guild,"Geffen",geffen_guild,"Back To Main Menu",MENU_TOP; close; payon_guild: warp "gld_dun01",120,21; alde_guild: warp "gld_dun02",28,160; prontera_guild: warp "gld_dun03",236,267; geffen_guild: warp "gld_dun04",104,28; } // // Amatsu Dungeon // // // Coal Mine // // // Culvert // // // Pyramid // // // Toy Factory // // // Umbala //